Smooth Nectar Hard Wax is Honeycomb's natural hard wax. It is made with only 4 ingredients and is extremely effective at hair removal.

While a lot of the waxing process is typical, there are a few key things that help ensure Smooth Nectar works the best that it can for hair removal and that allow it to be extremely effective.

Because it is made with as few ingredients as possible, it is lower temperature than other waxes and provides an even more gentle experience than most hard waxes.


One of the keys with any hard wax is that the same advice does not apply for all areas of the body. Different types of hair, different stages of hair growth, your wax working temperature, and your prep of the skin ALL affect how the wax works.

This guide is intended to be very high level and only addresses a few key items to ensure the best waxing experience. Please see the link to our blog below for a more in-depth look at waxing and some of the items that commonly cause wax not to work properly.




~ Heating is key #1. It's important to note that each warmer is designed differently and different brands of warmers heat differently. Stirring is extremely important in large warmers. The final tip below is the best indicator of you having the proper temperature.
~ If your warmer is smaller and holds 1lb, as well as has a gauge like one of our professional small or double wax warmers, you would likely want your temperature to be set at 50C.
~ If you are using a large warmer and have a temperature gauge, the temperature is probably closer to 60C.
~ If you do not have a temperature gauge, follow the final tip here.
~ The best way to know that you have the right temperature is that the wax does not easily drip off of a stick. You should be able to twirl your stick and have the wax stay as a ball on the end of your stick, but not so thick that it doesn't start to fall easily.


~ Prep is Key #2 and the hardest to advise you on. The basics are understanding the amount of moisture and oil that you are working with on the area you are looking to wax. Smooth Nectar works best with a light amount of oil, HOWEVER, this is heavily dependent on skin type and body part.
~ Cleansing is the first step. BeeClean is our preferred with Smooth Nectar Hard Wax. Important: a common mistake is not removing the cleanser thoroughly enough. It will cause the wax to not work properly.
~ The next part of prep after cleansing depends on the skin and hair type. We've provided a few examples of how you might prep, but you will have to test this part in order to understand. Important: this step heavily affects the outcome of your waxing experience. If you are having trouble and have already checked the tips on heat, this is the area to concentrate on.
~ Legs typically require extra oil after cleansing. It is best to apply a few drops on a paper towel and wipe the hair the opposite direction of hair growth.
~ Armpits are very moist and typically work best when using the natural oils around armpit. Take a paper towel and wipe it around the uncleansed area to pickup oil and then use that to prep the area you are looking to wax. This area may even perform better with a VERY LITTLE amount of powder. Too much will cause the wax to not work.
~ The Brazilian area is best off using natural oils as well. A small amount of powder may help with setting in this area, but too much will also cause the wax to fail.


~ Application should be at a 45 degree angle with a stick with firm pressure, the same direction that the hair is growing. Important: Application the same direction of hair growth is key to proper removal.
~ Remember that the consistency should be like molasses when going to apply.
~ Thicker strips for thicker hair, thinner strips for thinner hair. This means the thickness of the wax, not how wide the strip is.


~ Smooth Nectar is a very fast set wax. It is most often removed within seconds.
~ The best way to tell the wax is ready for removal (and a trick to help with hair removal) is to place a glove over the strip and apply pressure once you believe the wax won't stick to the glove (remember, this is seconds usually). If the wax does not stick to your glove, but is still gummy, you are ready to pull.
~ Pull the opposite direction of hair growth and pull parallel to your skin, not at an angle. Important: Remove the wax the opposite direction of hair growth is key to proper removal.


~ BeeClean Cleanser followed by BeeSmooth oil should remove any small pieces of wax left on the skin as long as you scrub with some pressure.